Turn $10K to $1M

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Run To $1 Million

Proven Track Record

Over 225+ documented multibaggers for Maj and his team since 2009.

With his proven public track record, Maj is confident in taking his microcap edge and turning it into a product that he believes will result in significant alpha.

Moreover, there are plenty of opportunities in the current market.

Run to $1 Million Active Portfolio

This strategy will begin with $10,000 and is focused on the high conviction bets in a race to $1,000,000. One stock at a time.

This product is ONLY intended for investors who understand risk and who want to complement their existing portfolio with a high risk / high reward strategy.

How it works;

1. Maj identifies a multi-bagger.

2. We alert you and add it.

3. You receive a one-pager detailing our thesis.

4. We let you know when we remove the stock from the portfolio
5. We replace the stock with the next idea we think will double

From $10,000 to $1,000,000 in 7 doubles.

It's not just a portfolio...

Join Maj and his team in an exclusive chatroom where they will be sharing the latest and most actionable research.

You will have access to daily and weekly research cliff notes concerning stocks in Maj's entire research pipeline.

Immediately track what matters the most – timing, conviction and relevant supporting research.

High Performance. Large Alpha.

A Message From Maj

After decades of 'everything works', a stock pickers market has arrived. Investors who are going to focus on quality and growth will outperform. I believe there is plenty of alpha to exploit.

I want to offer you a highly concentrated strategy of my high conviction stock picks with a goal to turn $10,000 into a Million dollars.

MS Microcaps Run To $1 Million Active Strategy

Order Summary
Run to $1 Million Portfolio

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